Frankly speaking...
I damn hate you now...
for God sake,I try to be patient with you,and yet,you cross your line...
that is it..!! I have enough with you...
Since the first day, I stepped into this class(U6B2),you aren't unhappy with my presence...don't you?
Not to worry,you ARE NOT my competitor at all..cause you are not qualified to compete with me...
I answered wrongly for my Generel studies 's question that teacher asked,and you LAUGHED at me loudly...that's the first time you laughed at me...
but then,my score for General studies are ways too far/higher than you,DUDE!!! Look at your result only you start laughing,please!! Don't embarrassed yourself...
And yes,I admitted that my English isn't proficient as you are, therefore,I asked your help to reedit the script of the MUET PERFORMANCE,and what f'king reason you gave? "Is your English too good,or my English too poor,I can't understand what you wrote...hahahaha..."...that's your answer when I asked for the script as I had give you few days to prepare the script...
I was angry that day,but I keep quite and walk away,and I didn't ask from your help anymore,cause I don't need you,MORON!!!
Again,I was talking about my chemistry's result in FORM4 & 5 with Charlyne,I said that I never passed my Chemistry test and yet you said" this is because you are stupid...",then I answered back" Now your turn to become STUPID? why your Chemistry can't pass while I passed with flying color result??hahahaha..."...
I don't wish to do so,but you forced me,thus,I have to do something to fight my right back..!!
AGAIN,this time you have a little bit OVER,perhaps you talk with your ass...
yes,I understand,cause you just same as your mother,talk nonsense!!
My ex-classmate(U6B3)-Su Ting distributed a schedule for this coming Pulau Kukup's trip and there was some typing errors..and you said " aiyo,Bio 3 mah...stupid people...sure don't know how to type one...STUPID mah...bio 3 really stupid..haha..." you keep repeating the word " STUPID"...
I was reading newspaper behind,stood up and walk to front where Charlyne sit at..and yet...you continue saying Bio 3 stupid,I was like...arh...wanna go and slap you...but I little bit late...Charlyne couldn't tolerant with you anymore and she said" Walao...your mouth at your ass,is it? Can you talk with your brain...? "
I was grate that Charlyne spoke it first,or else..I will definitely go and slap your f'cking's mouth...
Is ok that you don't like us,cause we were bio 3 students last year..I understand...
but it just show how childish you are when you behave like this,showing that you are not going to cooperate with us...
that's fine for me,cause I don't need your help and I definitely did better that you,and to let you know,I can enter bio 1,but I refused to do so...I have pointer 3.50,top 10 in 108 people in all Upper sixes,you CAN'T bet me...!! LOSER...you don't ever reached CGPA of 2.80...try to bet me IF YOU CAN.... =)
and so....DON'T CALL BIO 3 STUDENT STUPID...!!! You can call when you are qualified to do so,but the reality is...YOU CAN'T!!!
however,thank you for " motivating " me to get higher a pointer...
JUST...mind your words...^^